As a WordPress website development company, Xtecsoft provides customer centric WordPress website solutions. With our competitively priced WordPress services, get true value for your business. The services are characterized by scalability, better quality and pixel perfect designs.

Any organization can have capacity issues with its IT or marketing departments. WordPress enables enterprise customers to have a website professionally built and designed by a seasoned creative agency and not disrupting in-house projects and staffing. From publishing and entertainment to academia and government, WordPress is quickly becoming a well-liked CMS for enterprise-level users as it offers superior functionality at a fraction of time to develop an in-house website.
WordPress includes great support for capabilities management, registration and login and multiple users and permission levels. It also includes version control for post and page content which enables users to review and restore previous versions if needed. With creation of custom post types, standard pages and posts are increased allowing advanced content segmentation to manage control of presentation and entry of data so that any user can virtually and quickly publish content in an easy to use and secure environment.

It can be an expensive project to design, develop and deploy an enterprise website regardless of the system you choose. From small sites to large-scale corporate website, WordPress offers a feature rich web presence without extensive internal cost structure regarding utilizing in-house design and technical resources. Ongoing support and maintenance make WordPress’ total ownership cost a petite percentage of what it would be with other CMS solutions.
With over 30,000 plugin extensions available, WordPress provides enterprise users a plethora of functionality. From social media networks and forums to e-commerce and learning management systems, WordPress features a plugin extension to meet almost any situation. And if already an existing solution is not in place, custom plugins will let WordPress users to create custom stand-alone applications without touching the core software’s source code.

With the advent of enhancements in API’s (application programming interfaces) and custom post types, WordPress is opening up doors to become a low cost building block for applications. Advances custom fields and custom post types allow WordPress developers to generate modular content with unique display and functionality associated with it. This is further reinforced with the inherent use of actions, hooks and filters. API’s become even more important as we move forward in advancing WordPress because they allow WordPress to connect and share data with third party systems.
WordPress focused solely on blogging when it was originally created. However that was a very long time ago. WordPress now is mature and scalable enough to manage large enterprise solutions. There are loads of other factors that go in making WordPress installation scalable, the right combo of proper server configuration, quality code and a solid hosting environment ensures that the WordPress stands up to the toughest of traffic spikes and data usage.

We Have Website Design & SEO Experience With Companies of All Sizes and in a Variety of Industries

As a WordPress website development company, Xtecsoft provides customer centric WordPress website solutions. With our competitively priced WordPress services, get true value for your business. The services are characterized by scalability, better quality and pixel perfect designs.

Any organization can have capacity issues with its IT or marketing departments. WordPress enables enterprise customers to have a website professionally built and designed by a seasoned creative agency and not disrupting in-house projects and staffing. From publishing and entertainment to academia and government, WordPress is quickly becoming a well-liked CMS for enterprise-level users as it offers superior functionality at a fraction of time to develop an in-house website.

WordPress includes great support for capabilities management, registration and login and multiple users and permission levels. It also includes version control for post and page content which enables users to review and restore previous versions if needed. With creation of custom post types, standard pages and posts are increased allowing advanced content segmentation to manage control of presentation and entry of data so that any user can virtually and quickly publish content in an easy to use and secure environment.

It can be an expensive project to design, develop and deploy an enterprise website regardless of the system you choose. From small sites to large-scale corporate website, WordPress offers a feature rich web presence without extensive internal cost structure regarding utilizing in-house design and technical resources. Ongoing support and maintenance make WordPress’ total ownership cost a petite percentage of what it would be with other CMS solutions.

With over 30,000 plugin extensions available, WordPress provides enterprise users a plethora of functionality. From social media networks and forums to e-commerce and learning management systems, WordPress features a plugin extension to meet almost any situation. And if already an existing solution is not in place, custom plugins will let WordPress users to create custom stand-alone applications without touching the core software’s source code.

With the advent of enhancements in API’s (application programming interfaces) and custom post types, WordPress is opening up doors to become a low cost building block for applications. Advances custom fields and custom post types allow WordPress developers to generate modular content with unique display and functionality associated with it. This is further reinforced with the inherent use of actions, hooks and filters. API’s become even more important as we move forward in advancing WordPress because they allow WordPress to connect and share data with third party systems.

WordPress focused solely on blogging when it was originally created. However that was a very long time ago. WordPress now is mature and scalable enough to manage large enterprise solutions. There are loads of other factors that go in making WordPress installation scalable, the right combo of proper server configuration, quality code and a solid hosting environment ensures that the WordPress stands up to the toughest of traffic spikes and data usage.
We Have Website Design & SEO Experience With Companies of All Sizes and in a Variety of Industries